Victoria Julia Law Bell, future M.Div

| Bio |

She/they. Third-year seminarian at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN, pursuing a Master of Divinity. Also a candidate for word and service with the Minneapolis Area Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Interested in chaplaincy, queer and feminist interpretations of Scripture and themes of forgiveness, reconciliation, and grief. In the free time that I get, I enjoy spending time with loved ones, getting into the water any way possible, baking gluten-free desserts, and engaging in naps as a form of resistance.

| Where I’ve been |

I’ve been a lot of places - physically, emotionally, and metaphorically. I’ve held a variety of jobs. My education background is like a basket of mismatched socks. I’ve lived in 1/4 of the Midwest states. I’ve visited four continents.

There’s been love and loss. Good relationships and bad ones. Trauma and joy. I’ve lost friends, two pregnancies, and loved ones. I’ve been angry at God. I even left the church for a handful of years. 


| Where I am |

Through my seminary experience, I was introduced to the concept of a “working theology.” I love this because the idea of “working” implies that it’s not stagnant, things are constantly changing. Yes, I have some core beliefs. I also have things I change my mind about. My current working theology has helped me connect my values and my concerns about the church to the Bible. This working theology, coupled with the never-ending life experiences associated with being a human being, has helped me to grow in my faith and deepen my relationship with my higher power, God.

Currently, I’m feeling called to blogging about my experiences as a seminary student, what I’m learning about, and how I’m being both comforted and challenged in my faith. In the spring of 2022, I completed my first unit of CPE as a chaplain intern. And every day, I am working towards intentionality and being present in the now - not pulled too far in the past or pushed too far in the future.

| Where I pray to be |

Through my experiences, I want to “lift the curtain” on what it means to be a “person of the cloth.” I want to share about the highs and the lows. The things people might not think about. I want to engage in discussions about faith and spirituality. And I want to answer some of the questions I’ve had on this journey. If I can make one person feel less alone or confused, I’ll consider this adventure a success.

After my experience with my first unit of CPE, as well as my journey with infertility and my second miscarriage, I am feeling called to explore a ministry centered on grief and loss, especially within the parent-child dyad. I also feel called to provide education and action steps on how to be more inclusive and expansive communities. I call congregations to fund programs and events for people who have historically been turned away, dismissed, or persecuted by religion, without the intent being conversion or getting people to join the church.