I encourage people to donate their resources to missions they feel called to. Organizations or people doing God’s work. Each month I will highlight organizations, people, or movements I feel called to share about and support with my resources.
February Giving Highlights.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church in New Orleans is doing big things when it comes to housing. This congregation is working to house the unhoused, just like Jesus taught us. No limits, no judgment, without conditions. Ya’know, the same way or Creator loves and cares for us. I invite you to check out their work as they move forward in building accessible and affordable housing for their community.
Mutual Aid for Snacks
“The Snack Sack relies on peer-to-peer mutual aid, with donations going toward meeting immediate needs in families facing food, housing, medical, safe harbor, and other insecurities as a direct result of systemic racial oppressions.”
The mission of Camp Hecate is straightforward - Affect change around the would by providing women an opportunity to rest and replenish, allowing them to return home ready and able to pour into their communities. Donations to Camp Hecate fund assistance for Black and trans* individuals to participate in camp.