Audio and Video

A sample of events or services I’ve participated in.

June 12, 2023 - Assisting Minister, daily chapel, Matins

Luther Seminary invites their students to participate in worship in a variety of ways. On this day I participated in chapel services as the assisting minister, providing scripture reading and prayers.

November 23, 2022 - Guest Preacher, Thanksgiving Eve

Luke 17:11-19 - Jesus Cleanses Ten Men with a Skin Disease

This is video of my first time preaching before a congregation. I was invited to preach at the Thanksgiving Eve service at my long-time, home congregation - Grace Lutheran Church in Andover, MN. The Holy Spirit was at work and I was lucky enough that this passage from Luke 17 had been assigned to me for a sermon in my Preaching class the month before. Definitely helpful to have your sermon written out well ahead of time when you’re 35 weeks pregnant. The sermon runs from 20:26-30:35.

January 10, 2022 - Assisting Minister, daily chapel

Luther Seminary invites their students to participate in worship in a variety of ways. On this day I participated in chapel services as the assisting minister, providing scripture reading and prayers. I speak from 11:00-13:45 and 17:35-19:10. My biological dad died two weeks before this and the prayer took me by surprise during the service, having not read it previously (rookie mistake).

November 14th, 2021 - “Mission Moment”

My husband James and I were asked to speak about giving at our church, Grace Lutheran. In this video we share about our backgrounds, our reason for giving, and what we hope others will do. This talk took place about 3 months before the congregation launched a capital campaign for a building project, something we knew was on the horizon. We speak from 8:23-12:00.

November 22, 2020 - Doing the best we can and extending grace

This is the first message I ever presented. I was serving at Walker Community United Methodist Church as a “not quite intern.” Walker is a unique and vibrant community, different than anything I have ever experienced. Because of this, the message I gave was a little off the “traditional” path. That said, it was a great opportunity and something I will carry with me forever. I speak from 28:58-42:50.