Justice and Reconciliation Portfolio

  • Defining "Justice and Reconciliation"

    One of the goals for the course is to be able to articulate what “justice” and “reconciliation” mean. Here I will explore my understanding of those terms as well as the commitments I hold. At the conclusion of the term this section will provide a biblical and philosophical definition for each “justice” and “reconciliation.”

  • Weekly Blog + Action Item

    Each week of the term I will blog on my thoughts about the material and the lectionary text for the week, as well as curate resources and practices relating to the material and my area of focus - expansive language for God, the divine, holy, or sacred.

    The resources for each week will include (1) song or hymn connected to the lectionary text or the focus area, (2) a media piece (art, film, music, cartoon, meme, blog post, etc.) that connects to the course and my focus, (3) an action someone could take (prayer, legislative action, meditation, petition to sign etc.) that is related to justice and reconciliation.

  • Annotated Bibliography

    Throughout the term I will assemble an annotated bibliography relating to expansive language for God, the divine, holy, or sacred. This will include theological/biblical resources underlining my understanding of justice and reconciliation, resources that focus on expansive language within public discussions/debates, prayers/practices that engage your chosen expansive language, and websites for your specific focus. This will include a mix of videos, books, articles, blog posts, and other media.