Upcoming events.


Connection is one of my core values. Which means, I thrive when I can be in community with people. These are some events or presentations I’m keeping an eye on and hoping to participate in. I’d love to see you there!


Maymester course "Reading and Preaching the Women of the Hebrew Bible" with Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney

Per Rev. Dr. Will “Get ready! Due to popular demand, I am offering a fully online Maymester course in Reading and Preaching the Women of the Hebrew Bible 9-27 May at 6:30 Central. It will be synchronous in the evening with asynchronous components. One semester of masters level intro to one testament and admittance to Brite as a special student required. No auditors at this time.”

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to Apr 28

Camp Hecate

Camp Hecate is absolutely life-changing. The founder, Margaret Mason Tate, pours her heart and soul into her work. From lodging, to food, to activities, you will be well taken care of. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend camp this year. Because of my job at the hospital, I don’t have a chance to reduce my human interactions prior to camp and I would hate to bring hospital germs across the country. However, because I’m not going, that means there is space for you!


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 EcoFaith Summit 2022 - Holy Ground, Holy Table

EcoFaith Summit 2022 - Holy Ground, Holy Table

A morning to listen and respond to firsthand stories of regenerative practices, from our farms to our tables.

Offered by the EcoFaith Network of the NE MN Synod ELCA and the St. Paul Area Synod ELCA Care of Creation Work Group, this summit will feature keynote speakers, George and Annaliese Walker. George and Annaliese are Minnesota farmers and international leaders in the regenerative agriculture movement.

Register for the event here -> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ecofaith-summit-2022-holy-ground-holy-table-registration-243058864607?aff=eemailordconf&utm_campaign=order_confirm&utm_medium=email&ref=eemailordconf&utm_source=eventbrite&utm_term=viewevent

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to Feb 20

Grace Lutheran Women's Retreat

While registration for this event is full, I encourage everyone to find a time to get away and connect with people in your community. Not able to “get away” and leave the house right now? Set aside some time to Zoom or FaceTime with your people.

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